

GLUCOSAMINE is involved in the formation of nails, tendons, ligaments, bones, and skin.  Studies have shown glucosamine to help with osteoarthritis and the healing of athletic injuries.  In addition to these benefits, supplemental glucosamine can also be helpful for asthma, bursitis, respiratory allergies, tendenitis, vaginitis, and various skin problems.

MSM is a naturally occuring organic sulfur compound that is essential for optimal health.  It has remarkable therapeutic properties, especially for the healing of injuries.  MSM also has been found to nourish hair, skin, and nails, relieve pain and inflammation from arthritis, reduce allergies, and aid in immune functions.

Benefits from GLUCOSAMINE/MSM  can become evident in as little as 2 to 3 weeks and can be enhanced with vitamin C supplementation.  Our glucosamine/msm is dissolved in a water-soluble calcium and magnesium liquid for quick absorption. (see CAL/MAG).  Because of the natural bitter taste, it is highly recommended to dilute this product with fresh lemon juice.  The benefits far outweigh the taste !!